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Re(2): Publicity D F R B

As was expected, NO REPLY from the Prime Minister re my letter.

I have seen replies sent by colleagues to the current Labor sitting members. Labor obviously have a scripted reply including standard phrases:

"Labor understands commuting part of the DFRDB pension means exchanging part of the pension for a lump sum. When a member commutes part of the pension, that pension is permanently reduced to take account of the fact that part has been paid in a lump sum."

"Labor has no plans to change the current arrangement, however will continue to listen and work with the veterans’ community."

It is NOT A LOST CAUSE, this campaign will continue during the election lead up with print and TV media releases.

My local member, Bert Van Manen MP, Member for FORDE was made aware in November 2016 and initial reaction was openly dismayed that Veterans have been FORCED to continue on reduced ‘retirement pay’ even though the advance lump sum payment had been fully repaid!!!!!!!!.

And the Leopard changes his spots: When Bert, or his office, approached the office of the Minister for Veteran Affairs to address this anomaly MY LOCAL MEMBER’S EMPATHY EVAPORATED, in accordance the Coalitions current stance on this matter.

While one does not want to 'donkey vote" for the first time, I reckon there will be a lot of soul searching by voters, but my local member has lost ANY support from the 2051 Veterans in the electorate of FORDE.

The old "Who do you trust","I am here to listen" or "I work for my constituents" no longer hold any value, hollow words.

Just remember, it does not matter who you vote for in the upcoming election, in the end, you are going to end up with a politician.


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