The Lost Islands

This is no ordinary love

Vita Nova sighed as she watched Tavas prance about in the tall grasses. Summer was here - finally - on Tinuvel, and both southern-born Nova and her daughter were enjoying their short time in warmer weather. The sun beat down on their backs, and they both made sure to stay out from under the tree line for most of the day. Tavas was nearly a mare now at two years old. She no longer suckled for milk, and instead was experimenting with grazing, much to Nova's delight.

It had only been a few weeks since Warsaw had named Nova his lead mare, but everything about their arrangement had changed in an instant. The large grey stallion was more attentive. He listened when she spoke. He didn't bark orders at her. And as the sun disappeared in the evenings and the rest of the herd bed down for the night, Nova was delighted by the attention she received from the King of the Inlet. She very much enjoyed knowing she had his sole attention. Just thinking about the time they'd spent together made her heart beat faster in her chest.

Perhaps this meant Nova was coming around to him, even if she didn't always agree with the way he handled things. He was her King now, and she was his Queen. As such, it was part of the agreement that she would support him.

So when the sooty-colored mare spied two other mares lingering in the distance, she grit her teeth and decided to wander over. Tavas chose to stay where she was grazing lazily in a grassy valley. Warsaw wanted Nova's help in uniting the herd, and it fell on her to get to know them all and be a voice for their concerns.

Her blue eyes studied them both as she approached. She issued a gentle nicker in greeting, before stopping to stand a few feet away from both of them. One looked and smelled fairly new - she certainly hadn't been her long. The other, it seemed, was the opposite. Nova catches the end of Ysabel's comments but tucks away this information for later. Warsaw raised her? This seemed peculiar to her.

"Hello there." Nova said, after clearing her throat. She feigned a smile and bobbed her head. "I hope you don't mind if I join you."

She flicked her thick and wavy grey tail as she eyed both of them. "I'm Vita Nova."

Vita Nova
4 | Mare | Evaline x Valentine | Smoky Back Splash | 15 hh | © Vinyl
html by shiva for public use

ooc: I hope you don't mind that I drop her in here!


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