The Lost Islands

Love is my oath


Another approached them, but she didn't mind. She has seen the mare many times around the Inlet, but has never approached her. She had asked Warsaw about Vita Nova before and his answer was vague, but his posture told a story. This smokey mare meant something to him.

A quick glance was given to Neon before she fixates on the new arrival. Neon was the first to welcome the smokey mare, but her words weren't far behind. "Hello!" Ysabel seemed rather excited to meet the mare who took most of Warsaw's time. She wondered just how they had not properly met before now. "You're more than welcome to join us, Vita Nova. Just as Neon has said, we don't mind." She flashes a smile at Neon, but her focus quickly turns back to Vita Nova. "My name is Ysabel de Zevulun. Warsaw has told me a few things about you, but I am excited to hear more."

She tried to sound somewhat like she knew who her herd member was after living in the same place for the last few years. The truth was, Ysabel was quite detached from everyone aside from Warsaw. She was with him a lot and only ever spent time with Requiem and Solaris. The rest of the herd was a mystery to her.

Love is my oath


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