
Where the magic happens...
Wanting your own adorable hoard of fluffy puppies? You’ve come to the right place!
In winter, parents post their stats (alongside any other relevant stats such as grandparents etc.) in the below format. Staff then roll dice to determine if you conceive. If you do (congratulations!), Staff will then roll some more dive and perform some magic in order to produce your puppy stats.
You can view how we do that magic right here!

Certain prizes, such as ‘Pick Your Own Litter Size’ and ‘Custom Stats’ must be used before Stats are posed, whereas ‘+1 Puppy’ can be used after. If in doubt, check with Staff!

Once Stats have been posted, players may post in response claiming and naming puppies. Once spring begins, the mother’s player must reply to the thread with a link to their ‘birthing post’ on the appropriate date unless an extension has been requested.

Parent Stats
* post for both father/mother
Height / Weight:
Eye Color:
Body / Fur Type: (be detailed! long, short, thick, whispy, scruffy fur; brawny, willowy, wide set ears, a tail that’s a little crooked – everything helps!)
Fur Colour: (be specific with markings, and include references if you want!)
Other Stats (Optional): (for example, parents and grandparents; siblings; anything ‘cultural’ such as special markings in their bloodline etc)

** We include the option of grandparent / sibling / etc stats in order to help produce unique puppies even if a pair are plainer coloured. For example, two pure white parents don’t leave much room for exploration but with additional family stats, we can bring in new traits!

Return to Lunar Children


Due Date: July 21st

Litter Size: 4

Pup 1 (Custom Stat By Ayita)
Sire - Kweku
Unhealthy - Hemeralopia

Eye Color: Black sclera with a silver iris and pupil.

Coat Color: From head to shoulders/mane this boy is golden. His front toes are a bright cinamon. The rest of his body is pure white. Reference

Fur Type: Naturally thickest and slightly longer around the neck and throat and under his belly. It is average in length over the rest of his body although the tip of his tail allows it to look a tad longer than most. It is soft and plush to the touch where it is at normal length; the fur around the neck, throat, and belly the fur is silky and pleasant to touch.

Height / Weight: 42in / 210lbs

Body Type: This boy has a deep chest and massive paws. He is coated in thick muscle. Long limbs and broad shoulders he is a powerhouse but not a runner. He can hit a extremely hard and has a lot of stamina but that won’t help him very much in a chase.

Pup 2
Sire - Cuirass (Heads)
Unhealthy - Runt
Eye color - His eyes are a stunning bright blue, but marbled with very soft light and dark teal throughout, giving them an opal look like his mother's.

Coat color - His base coat might come to a suprise to all but Cuirass, but it's a pure white like pure snow. His family's crimson marks come in strong next. The first mark is a splash just under his left eye, covering his most of his cheek then coming together at a point at the side of his nose, on the other side he has a mirror of his mother's marking, going under his eye and following the bridge of his muzzle until touching the side of his nose at the same point as his other mark. His next signifigant mark is on his right side, covering his whole ear, then traveling down side of his neck, crossing onto his chest midway down in a messy zig-zag. His back also has a thin line starting just behind his shoulders then coming to a point over his hips. The top of his tail and his front toes are also covered in the crimson color as well. Reference
Fur type – Super long and thick all over, he'll be quite uncomfortable during warmer times.

Height/Weight- 32 inches, 119 lbs

Body type – This boy because of his runt birth will never quite excell at anything. He's built fairly average, but perhaps a little more on the thicker side thanks to both his parents and sports a deep chest, so strength and stamina will be what he would be best at. He has his father's notable handsome features, its very obvious he takes much after his father facially, but he got a slightly longer muzzle that his father didn't have.

Pup 3
Sire - Kweku (Tails)
Eye color - A ghostly silver blue, with bright violet flecks throughout. The pupil is light silver, near white, she has black scalera like her father.

Coat color - Her coat color is a rich, deep brown. A soft tan takes up much of her undersides starting at her lower jaw, traveling down her throat, front legs stomach and undertail. Her mother's cinnamon is her next color, it starts over the bridge of her muzzle, going beneath her eyes slightly, before traveling over her head, encompassing her ears then going down her back, ending at the dock of her tail. The cinnamon marks also take up her front toes and her back paws, fading as they go up towards her hocks into brown. Reference
Fur type – Like both her parents this girl sports very thick, luxerous fur. She got her father's velvety underfur, but now and then, mostly around her neck, there are long stringy guard hairs that feel almostly prickly against the otherwise soft coat.

Height/Weight- 35in/183lbs

Body type – This girl at first glance would appear to be an all-rounder, with long legs that would give her a delicate look should she not have thick muscle coating her all over. She's a powerhouse, like both her parents, meant for a good brawl, at the end of her long legs are huge paws and burly shoulders. She takes after her dad in that regard that she will lack in speed in endurance, but never lack in strengh. She sports most of her mother's looks thankfully, with well defined hips and defined cheekbones at least giving her a feminine looks under all the bulk, having larger ears from her paternal grandmother also aids a more proportionate look.

Pup 4
Sire - Cuirass (Heads)
Eye color - A stunning bright blue like his maternal grandmother, with bright venomous green from his paternal grandmother going in stringy striations throughtout.

Coat color - His coat is.... WOW... Black! A surprisingly this pup takes the black base coat of his mother's ancestors, but his father's side was hardly left out. His first and most notable marking is like his father's own crimson mark but larger, a mohawk like mark going down his spine, but it extends down his forehead to his face, curving under each of his eyes and trailing down the either side in thin lines downthe bridge of his muzzle like his mother's mark. Where the mohawk ends at his rough it bursts out into flecks down his back slightly as well standing out quite starkly if he ever were to raise his hackles. He has another splash of crimson on his chest, covering his front toes the top part half of his tail tip, and his back paws fading up to black as they go to the hocks. Reference
Fur type – Suprisingly this boy has short fur! But its very thick and plush to the touch, he doesn't look fluffy at all like his siblings do though.

Height/Weight- 39in/150lbs

Body type – His build may come as a surprise to some, but he sports a very long, aerodynamic look about him. Out of all the pups, and even his parents, he will be fast and agile. He might not have the stopping power of his siblings or parents, but he will posess his own strength. He sports a very atheletic and assassin like build. This boy also sports his mother's defined cheek bones and larger hips. His muzzle is also a bit longer and narrower than his siblings giving him over all a very androgenous look.

Mother's Health: 7/10
This birth is kind to you despite the size of the litter and the size of the pups! It's a long and arduous process but in the end all the pups will come over time and there will just be a little more pain and soreness than the usual birth and a little longer of a healing time. Things really couldn't have gone better considering!


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