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Re(1): multiples fics

There are stories where he finds out that he's a clone, like All the Mulders by Alloway and By Any Other Name by Louise Marin. There are also stories where Mulder or Scully encounters a look-alike from one of the other productions DD has been in. One of them is linked below because I knew where to find it. Here's the FAQ list for Crossovers as well.

Abaddon's Reign by aka "Jake" {G} [NC-17]
Cavendish Door series by Patty Hayes {G} [PG-R]
Dana And Fox by Laura Herrold {G} [G]
+Dana Meets Jake by Laura Herrold {G} [G]
+Dana's Letter by Laura Herrold {G} [G]
Doubled by Dasha K. {G} [NC-17]
The Fake Jake (Marriage Series 10) by Angela W. (password is avalanche) {G} [NC-17]
Guardians series by Junko Mitani {G} [PG]
+Jake and Fox Join the Club by Sue Esty (Windsinger) {G} [NC-17]
Jake's Luck by Windsinger {G} [NC-17]
Jake's Soulmate by Sara {G} [PG]
Jumeaux series by The Dragon Lady {G} [G-NC17]
Left Alone by SilverThorned {G} [PG]
+Pseudoecho by Pares (Dawn M.) {G} [R]
Red Shoe Diaries - Xtreme Possibilities by Christine Shuy {G} [NC-17]
Shades of Betrayal by Sarah Roby {G} [PG]
Stranger Things Have Happened by Sara {G} [PG]

Other than that, I got nothin'. 8-D

I don't think I've ever seen a fic where M or S was a twin/multiples. Usually the stories have to do with children who are twins but we could certainly make a list if we can come up with enough.

Hope that helps.

Doubled by Dasha K


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