The Lost Islands

This is no ordinary love

The steely spotted mare flashes both Neon and Ysabel a half-genuine smile as they welcome her into their fold. She bobs her delicate head, blinking her brilliant blue eyes in rapid succession before taking a few short steps closer to them, her thick and wavy grey tail flicking eagerly over her haunches. "So how long have you both been in the Inlet?" She offers, trying to keep the conversation going as she settles in between them.

She worried about bringing up Warsaw himself as a topic of conversation. It seemed opinions about him varied among the herd members, which in some regards Nova thought maybe she shouldn't be surprised. It had taken her some time to come around to him, after all. The mare's whiskered nostrils flare as she breathes a heavy but casual sigh, her eyes flicking back and forth between the two other mares, but occasionally searching the grassy area around them to keep an eye on her blonde filly.

Nova's attention returns to Ysabel at the mention of Warsaw talking about her, and she offers the mare a sheepish smile. "I hope he only had nice things to say!" She says with a chuckle, but finds herself feeling actually quite curious of what he'd say about her to others.

Vita Nova
4 | Mare | Evaline x Valentine | Smoky Back Splash | 15 hh | © Vinyl
html by shiva for public use


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