The Grotto

Disaster has struck!
Years ago, an earthquake broke open several entrances into a deep, winding series of subterranean systems. It was thought that deep below, underground rivers snaked their way below Moladion. Now, flooding in the Northern reaches of Moladion has proven this theory to be true.

The Grotto is almost entirely submerged. Many of the entrances are completely inaccessible, and those that are only extend a few hundred feet before ending in water. The lower entrances, however, act almost like a giant drain for Moladion. Water pours down into the Grotto's maw as powerful rapids and waterfalls, and large amounts of debris have build up throughout the area. It can be exceptionally dangerous to travel due to the risk of flash-flooding and dams suddenly breaking, but the Grotto does offer the most consistent access across the floodwaters because of those dams.

Note:The Grotto will return to normal once 25 posts have been completed (or at Staff discretion). During this time, new threads will receive a 'Surprise','Disaster', and prizes.

Return to Lunar Children

I won't regret making this sinful wish of mine

Oh where could her precious little Achak gone? Lost him already? Oh well…. She was sure her rather skittish protector would be back around at some point, for now Wendigo was enjoying the sites and sounds of lands anew. This place was certainly an interesting one, she went through some blasting winds across a tundra to the north of here, a valley with a crater so deep and rock in the center of a pond she just had to wonder what had happened. Perhaps this land was cursed? For what type of calamity could have happened to have such a thing strike it then for creatures to call it home? Oh she was in such a tizzy wondering, yet she wandered past the crater and continued as far South as she could, as South was her cardinal direction she had been commanded to go by the covenant when it was her time to leave. See, her family was a bit… different. She didn’t know her birth mother, all pups, particularly females, were raised together by all females and treated as the daughters of all the females of the coven, the males were also cared for equally, though they perhaps got to know their families a little more than that of the girls. So if she did have any blood brothers or sisters, she wasn’t sure who they were. All wolves of her home had coats usually of black or brown or somewhere in between, the messy wolves of the swamps befitting their surroundings with their coats. Wendigo was raised with care, taught with care even, everything she knew up to this point. And the things she knew could make stomachs flip… The things she believed in as well.

She and Achak were from a coven of wolves that believed the second birthday was important step into adulthood. While not adults yet, the teens were old enough to take care of themselves without the help of adults anymore and have been taught everything that there was to teach. The narrow, almost coyote built girl was taught the art of witchcraft from a very young age. From jinxes to curses, to the strangest of cures, Wendigo knew it all, but everything comes with a price. Her shorter wiry furred tail gave a slight swish of amusement at the site of the next place she arrived. A land of rocks now? What a diverse ecosystem she had come upon! Oh how lucky she was! Now one thing she hadn’t quite run into was another clan, coven or other form of pack since her journey had begun, no wolves at all really. The smaller built girl knew many wolves lived in this land. She breathed their scents constantly, knew there were many creatures here to which she could talk with and get to know the new lands. She continued the southern approach and a scent was starting to catch on the breeze, that had only been described to her but never had she smelled it herself. When the air smells of salt you are near the sea, the end of your journey will be there and that will be the home to which you will stay. Her heart raced! After so long she had traveled the sea was here! She would have to tell Achak when he tracked her down, but for now she pushed south all the more to see this ‘sea’ that she was told about. However, something else caught her eye.

A cave, oh what a wonderful little surprise and a place for her to safely set up shop for a while perhaps? But would the other wolves she came across be here? She entered and the dim light cracked through the ceiling and what did her poisonous eyes see but a little rabbit torn to bits and eaten. ”Oh little rabbit, little rabbit, weren’t so lucky today were you? Your feet not too fleet, but they will do wonders as a charm!” She said delightfully grabbing and gnawing on the back leg severing one of the back feet from the creature.

Her tail waved lightly her eyes gleaming with the little bonus she had gained in maw she set off even deeper. That was a fresh kill, barely cold from its predator’s embrace! She would finally be able to meet a wolf of this land! In the darkness she blended so well, her dark raven feather black fur and her tans and browns allowing her to blend beautifully in the darkness of the caves while following the fresh scent of the wolf who made the kill. It wasn’t long before she heard the heavy steps of someone not far away. ”A wolf, a stranger, greetings from the darkness to you. I spy your light coat down there, so different from what I know.” She could not see the details of him just yet, but from the shadows and dim light her poisonous green eyes could make out the light pelt and rather thick form. Both so unfamiliar to the witch girl. ”I found your prey and followed you, I hope you don’t mind.” She continued, though part of her wondered, did she even speak the language of this land? She had traveled so far and she knew other tongues existed, what ones did they speak she wondered?



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