Re(1): Mountain Lion Chelmsford IP: Posted on July 27, 2019 at 04:21:29 AM by Stefan
I just saw a very very large cat, light brown with short hair go right below my bedroom window. (~12:00pm 26 July 2019 between School St and old Westford Road in Chelmsford MA) I ran, got my strong flashlight and ran around to the side of the house. There it was 25 to 30' away looking right at me from below the deck. It was not fat or fury at all. very trim. I ran at it and it blotted across the short stretch of grass to the edge of the woods. It stopped 15' into the underbrush and looked at me for many seconds. I then turned off the light and ran around and up to the top of the hill were I though it would come out. It did and I got another very good look when it was next to the chicke coop. It was way to big to be a house cat and it looked just like a small mountin lion to me. It was an amazing sight! It ran off back down the hill into the woods and I hear it go off into the distance. I just came in to look up 'new england wild cats and it was definenlty not a fisher cat or a bobcat. like I said; it looked just like a mountin lion, same shape and color, but a little small. like Jackie said; like a mid sized dog. about 18 to 24 inchs high at the head.