The Lost Islands

Like diamonds in the sky (Angel)


Heavy guilt weighed on her mind. She has been terrible to Angel lately spending less time with him and sneaking off to see the young bachelor in the Lagoon. She still came back late at night to cuddle next to her shivering boyfriend as he tried to survive the cold of Tinuvel. Dispite her growing feelings for the two stallions in her life, the Fjord mare of Warsaw's was still a thought in her mind. This girl was in trouble.

Her recent predicament with Raider and her lingering feelings for Ylva was sure to come to a head at some point. Getting out of the Inlet might help her forget about the Fjord mare (at least it would help her to not see her all the time) and help Angel feel more confortable. She owed her skinny boyfriend that much. She searched the frozen island for Angel and once she had found him, she promptly rubbed her muzzle along his nearest shoulder.

She could feel the unborn child inside her move almost like the foal could sense its sire was near. Solaris smiles before asking Angel his thoughts on leaving the cold behind. "Angel what would you say to leaving this island? I recently met my father and he lives in a much warmer place. We could go there and see how you like it?" Bright brown eyes blink in her usualy flirtacious manner. Being away from the Inlet would not only help Angel survive the last of winter, but also save him from the glares Warsaw gives him from afar.

Like diamonds in the sky


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