The Lost Islands

- Glow -

Neon was still very nervous about raising her first filly. She knew very little about raising foals only from what she had ever witnessed other mares do. She knew the basics, let the foal nurse, she had done that herself when she was a foal. She supposed it wasn't much different then being with a herd. Except that Neferyt would be fully dependent on her. She wished her mother was here to meet her granddaughter and to help her in raising her, to make sure she wasn't over whelmed. Well Perhaps Vita Nova could guide her, the lead mare she liked a lot as a friend and hoped the mare would help her.

After Neferyt had finished feeding and she had finished grooming her daughter she nickered to her and moved back toward the herd. Her ears flicking, one of them stayed on her daughter the whole time. Her body a bit tense hoping that there were no predators near by. She didn't know how fast Neferyt could run right now and the distance as is was pretty far to the herd.

Finally the herd came into site and Warsaw himself was present and now looking in her direction. She nickered back as he approached. She was tired but everything had gone alright. It had taken a little time but perhaps that was because Neferyt was her first. She hoped he didn't mind her naming Neferyt. Next time she would consult with him but she had wished to name the filly in honor of her mother. I named her Neferyt after my motherShe said looking back at the little palomino Overo. She knew where the overo in Neferyt came from but it was a little strange being palomino when her father was one color and she another. But she supposed that the way it was suppose to .I hope you don't mindShe said soon after.

Neferyt follows after her mother, a little shakily but other wise making it all right. She eyes all the other horses as they return to the herd and then a stallion is moving toward them and her little nostrils flare up and she mouths to show she is little and no threat. She clings to her mothers side but moves up closer.


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