Re(1): Mountain Lion? IP: Posted on September 25, 2019 at 01:25:57 PM by Cheryl Guerriero
Many years ago. Probably 25, I was driving on route 3 north from Kingston back up to Boston. I was driving my grandmother home. We were in the Weymouth area. I was driving fast, in the fast lane. It was night and what I knew with absolute certainty was that a mountain lion ran out in front of my car while running across the highway. Never once doubted what I saw. Nobody believed me. I live in the mountain west now so I often here of mountain lion sightings so that experience in Weymouth comes to mind regularly. It's nice to see others have experienced the same. Validation. Lol. I hope the few in Mass that may be passing threw aren't killed crossing the road like two over in California behave recently. Maybe the Weymouth area has been a pass through area for them for a long time? Replies: