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The Lost Islands

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trade in your darkness for the light

Evren stood beside Persephone as she greeted the stallions, uncharacteristically quiet and only offering a stiff nod to them. She eyeballed the tobiano stallion curiously, thinking that he must be Shamwari’s second. It had given her a jolt when she had first spotted him - not only because she had expected Shamwari to be alone, but because the sight of any black-and-white individual made her subconscious momentarily believe that her long-lost mother had returned. Of course, there was also the fact that she was primed and ready to physically assault any strange stallion she saw at this point, but this one seemed fine, if a little quiet. If Shamwari trusted him as his second, then Evren would grudgingly trust him too.

Evren did not recognize the name Rougaru, but she frowned when Shamwari mentioned Cullen. So the Lagoon had been harassing the prairie herd too? A flame of irritation burned in Evren’s chest. She had been so focused on Warsaw, it had not crossed her mind that Cullen was anything more than an annoyance, or something that they would need to deal with on a more permanent level.

“We recently had a run-in with Cullen, too,” she said, glancing at Persephone to let the mare elaborate if she so wished.

Evren’s ears pricked and her heart began to race when the word ‘desert’ left Shamwari’s lips. So someone had swooped in and claimed her ancestral home, finally. Evren should not have been surprised. She had not lived there for years now, and yet to hear it was in another’s possession… It was only slightly reassuring to hear that the horse who lived there now was a good-natured stallion and potential ally.

Evren’s amber-brown eyes glazed over and she found herself staring into space, hardly hearing the rest of what Shamwari had to say - until, that is, he addressed her directly. Snapping out of her fog, she met Shamwari’s eyes and blinked. Travel to Tinuvel? With Shamwari? Alone? Her adrenaline had already spiked with all the information there was to register, but for a moment she was speechless. She had almost forgotten that she had asked to go.

“I-- yes, of course. I’ll be there. If you don’t mind, either on the way there or back I’d also be interested in stopping by the desert to meet this Liland.” To see if he’s good enough to live in my family home, she left unsaid. Looking at Persephone, she continued, “With your permission, maybe I can arrange for an alliance with him. Goodness knows we need all the friends we can get right now.”

9; mutt; bay tobiano; 15.3hh

line art by whiteligtning@DA, colored by leigh for shiva
html & character by shiva


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