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Health Care Costs

Coverage by Medicare and TCL has resulted in very low health care costs for me - despite Ebba's battles with Parkinsons, high blood pressure, urology concerns and a very recent hospital stay due to a mild stroke. During Ebba's hospital stay, I also visited the VA for a small concern and annual physical. As a result of that visit, the doctor advised me that they were sending B12 and Folate to address a problem revealed by my lab results. And then suddenly, they called me this morning to recommend that I buy those items over the counter because it would be much cheaper for me. Huh!! After paying their portion, OTC would still be cheaper than my copay???? I suddenly feel that drugs provided through Medicare and TCL must be considerably overpriced. And then I think about "Medicare for all" and same coverage for illegal immigrants being promised by our politicians!!! No wonder we are having so much trouble getting out of debt!

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