where innocence is burned in flame - " />
The Lost Islands

where innocence is burned in flame

where innocence is burned in flames

A cool breeze rushes down from the mountains that stand proudly behind the men. The wind presses into the men as they stand off, both unrelenting to bow their head to the other. Björn has shown the man respect by not stepping into the Inlet without his permission, that in his eyes was enough. As he introduces himself, he waits to see if there is a glimmer of recognition in the other's eyes after he mentions his father. Never heard of him. Björn's ears rotate backwards. How could of he of not heard of his father? He had ruled the Inlet for 3 years. Björn thoughtfully mulls over what he has been told. "My father and my mother, Freya, ruled these lands together for three years." He says, and throws another name out to see if the stallion would recognize his mother this time.

As the silence spreads between them until the stallion finally introduces himself as the Monarch Warsaw. So, finally a name for his face. Warsaw. He does not remember his father, nor his mother ever speaking of Warsaw. He nods his thick skull, a single nod of respect to the Monarch King.

Björn's next bit of news causes a strange reaction from Warsaw, as he informs Björn that Tavas was a Tinuvel princess. It seems that the gods smile down on him. He had only came to challenge for Tavas out of revenge for Requiem denying him the Bay. Now he finds out that the girl was royalty. "What are you proposing?" He inquires. What could Warsaw offer him? A slow smirk begins to crawl across his ashen lips. Not only did he have Tavas, now it seems that Warsaw wants to help in some sort of way.

Björn was not the enemy. Yes, he has an agenda. Yes, he may be plotting. But all of it was to insure that his father's legacy, HIS legacy continues. He saw Warsaw as no different than himself, they both want the same thing. They just have different ways of getting the same result. Björn has his plans, it was just a matter of time before they came into fruition.

Icelandic mutt - Grullo Sabino - 14.3 hh - Dögun x Freya - Homeless


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