The Lost Islands

We run the world(Warsaw)

Dear Warsaw,

I am here to propose a some what deal. I will allow you to rule over the island to a degree. I won't say Ill fully bow to you but I will obey you, listen to you as long as your decisions won't necessarily impact my herd or my life in the bay I have no trouble. The only thing here for me is I have no problem making my once allies enemies or allying with the lagoon. The only one I can't befriend is Rougaru, He has hurt me much more then anyone else more then I care to admit. If Zjeena comes back untouched by him I may be willing to let by gones be bygones if not then there is no hope that I can accept him as a friend. I don't wish to be your enemy, I respect you to be honest, I hadn't had trouble from you other then our little disagreement so find no need to be your enemy. Or perhaps if you really would need me to be his friend and he does touch her in any way then perhaps you can figure out a way for retribution to be paid for it. But only time will tell as he has not allowed Zjeena to return. I hope to hear from you soon.

Your Neighbor and possibly loyal lord of the bay


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