The Lost Islands

the strange way of the world

He deffiently had more confidence than he had when he first met the draft mare. They were awkward together before, but now they were finally holding a proper converstation. He could tell she was still unsure. Unsure of him, unsure of everything it seems. Her responce made him fell bad. He ponders if he had made the right decision fightinf for her, but he had not fought for rights to her. He had fought for her freedom. She thanks him so he feela a bit better, but he still wonders if this was the right path to take. She watches the ground, but he doesn't make any movements to grab her attention. He knows all this was awkward for her. If anyone understood, it was him.

Those big eyes of her mwet his gaze, if only for a moment, but he smiles. These were small moments towards becoming more comfortable around each other. What she says next takes him aback. It was obvious Evanescense was a smart mare and she felt the shift in pressure that surrounded Tinuvel. He prays he has not brought her into more danger. "This island is going through some big changes right now, but don't worry. Stick close to me and I will keep you safe." He tries to reassure her everything was fine with his words and a small smile. "Evanescence I..." His words trail off as his eyes roam the sea behind her. "Never mind." He says. He wants to tell her how he couldn't stop thinking about her since they first met.

Between her and Tavas, he thought about them all the time and everything he did. He felt content having Tavas by his side, but now that she was gone he felt lost. Maybe having Evanescence here would help him find that sense of comfort again. His gaze finds her. "I have another mare by the name of Nempeyo. You should meet her and maybe the two of you could be friends." He was a little concerned sugesting she meet Nempeyo since the mare was such a strong character, but maybe she could help her in some way. Evie...can I call you that?" Was it weird for him to be giving her cute pet names already? "I want you to know you are not my captive. I have won you freedom and you are free to go where ever you want. If you choose to stick around I will do everything I can to keep you safe, but you don't have to stay." He says this even though he wishes she would stick around. At least they could get to know each other better and she could make some friends.


gold cream champagene | stallion | four | mutt | 15.1hh | inlet resident | warsaw x elisif

¢¾dante picture


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