The Lost Islands

Hold your breath;

mare | mutt | blue roan | 15.2 | inlet | frost
olaf x xina

Xiomara was glad he found her little hide away to be cozy, although his accusations made her snort. The sound echoed around them as she took a few steps towards the stallion to remove all space between them. Being so close and enclosed in such a small space, the mare knew the game she played was a dangerous one. It was still breeding season and her body burned with the need as she had not been covered all season.

“It seems as though I’ve been caught.” she said, her voice a sultry silken purr. Reaching her pink nose over towards his flesh, she did not peel her lips back to scrap his hide like she had done in the Commons. Instead she brushed the velvet like skin of her lips along his colorful pelt tucked beneath his mane; the salty tendrils brushing along her stark white face before she pulled away.

The blue roan gave a laugh then, tossing her head so the drying dreadlocks of ebony mane flopped against both sides of her neck. “Though a night of fun sounds interesting, I have no intentions of being tied down with child. Guess you are stuck with simple conversation.” Though, was anything ever simple with her? The smile and sparkle of mischief in her blue eyes said otherwise.

html by shiva | edited by frost


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