The Lost Islands

Hold your breath;

mare | mutt | blue roan | 15.2 | inlet | frost
olaf x xina

The mare was hardly ever still; her time general spent looking for chaos outside of her new home. But on this day she stood upon the ridge over looking the herd. It was the post she always took up when she was in the Inlet. The stand of trees concealed her from the mares below, yet her icy eyes could keep an eye out for danger. It was mostly instinct that drove her to behave in such a way, but it was also how her mother had always looked over the Forest herd. Would she be proud of what her daughter had accomplished?

The crunch of snow caught her attention first; ears flicking towards the sound before she turned her head and fixed the boy with a sharp glare. What was he doing up here? Not seeming to notice he slowly makes his way up the slope and touched her left foreleg, his soft colt nose making that ice melt slightly. Trying to hide it, she lifted her head and swished her tail indifferently.

“What is it, boy?” she questioned, her ears perking to what he had to say. Xiomara never had kids nor been around them and for a moment she was lost on what she should reply with. The instant reaction was to laugh him off; he was nothing but a child and did he realize his words meant over throwing his father or worse? Swallowing it down, the mare offered him a smile instead. Somehow the expression came out gentle rather than wicked.

“I have no doubt you will succeed someday.” she replied, ears cupping forward as she offered her full attention. “What is the name of my future King?” Xiomara asked.

html by shiva | edited by frost


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