The Lost Islands

Hold your breath;

mare | mutt | blue roan | 15.2 | inlet | frost
olaf x xina

It had not escaped Xiomara’s attention how cold he was; how his muscles quivered trying to warm his cold wet flesh that still dripped of sea water. Would he prevail this winter, or would the cold claim him since the salty churning water had not on the swim here? Time would tell his perseverance.

“Because I wanted too.” Xiomara replied, her words short and blunt. Perhaps it had been a mistake; Gnome probably would have made a dependable ally. But that first day in Paradise had stuck to the blue woman’s mind; how the mare waiting there had been so angry at her appearance to vanish into the waves leaving Angel standing there with their child. It was not natural behavior; but who was Xiomara to judge? She was not in anyway natural either.

Xina would most likely be ashamed of her youngest daughter.

“I am glad you have been here before. Hopefully it will give you the knowledge to survive winter with such a thin coat.” Xiomara knew her words were coming out harsh and truly she did not know why. Just as she didn’t know why the feeling clenching inside her chest had only intensified when Angel had actually gotten here.

html by shiva | edited by frost


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