The Lost Islands

Devil's gonna get you if I don't first

OOC: We can end this here or with your next post since it is older.

Neon makes a joke so Warsaw smiles at her. He did not expect this conversation with Neon to be so casual and light hearted, but it was nice. He needed slow days like this to slow down the fast-paced life of a lead stallion. There was always someone out to harm him, his mares, or his foals. There was always someone who wanted what he had or wanted power for themself. Warsaw had a lot of work ahead of him to get his herd back on track and create the family Legacy he dreamt of every night. Neon was apart of his legacy as was all his herd.

He watches over Neon as she continues to eat. His eyes occasionally watch her belly for signs of life. It may be too early to see a foal moving around, but he could almost imagine it. His ears perk as Neon speaks and answers his question of what she wanted their next foal to be. To his interest, she says a colt. He chuckles when she comments about their daughter being feisty and energetic. He bites his tongue, but he wants to tell her she was a lot similar when they first met. At least when it came to being feisty. "I must admit that I prefer sons." He says, bumping his nose to hers lightly.

Neon says she thinks the foal is another girl and she sighs. Warsaw sighs as well, but his shoulder shrug. "Well a mother's instincts are usually correct, but not always." He tries to give her some hope because honestly there was no way any of them could know what the future had in store for them. Warsaw had no way of knowing if he would have all sons born this season of all girls. It was up to the gods.

Devil's gonna get you if I don't first
html by castlegraphics; art by Charlie2218

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