The Lost Islands

sent from the heavens above...

For a moment, she seemed uneasy and her body tensed as if to move. He felt disappointment well up inside him, though he knew he should feel uncomfortable being this close to another mare since he was supposed to belong to Solaris. At least, by her terms. You always were one to let others dictate where you belong. Coward. His jaw clenched in anger cause he knew the voice was right. Where did he want to belong though? He knew he loved his daughter Galexia more than anything. He wanted to know she was safe and happy wherever she was. When it came to Solaris, things got more complicated. When she wanted him, everything was right with the world, but when she came home smelling like another stallon.... He wasn't stupid. He played that card sometimes but he knew when loyalty was meant to be questioned. He just wasn't usually one to do the questioning. He just took it.

With Xiomara, he knew she had every choice in the matter. She had called for him but she didn't belong to him. It was more like the other way around. She could push him away at any moment, and yet she didn't. She didn't come back smelling like strange stallions, at least not in the intimate way Solaris did. Xiomara smelled of war and chaos. As if to prove her point, she told him that she had indeed been causing chaos. His brow arched in curiosity but he wasn't sure he wanted to know the details. As her head dropped, that caught his attention though. She suddenly looked weary and...almost vulnerable. Angel felt himself press more against her instinctively. Was it out of a dormant protective instinct? He could always say he got cold again, though if anything, his skin felt heated every minute he was against her.

He parted his lips, wondering what to say next if he wasn't going to ask for details when she said that they should rest. He was almost thankful for the reprieve though a little disappointed at the same time that they wouldn't be talking as much if they were resting. He snorted softly and nodded. "Okay. Sounds good." He agreed. With that, he sighed and gently rested his head on her withers, hoping she didn't mind.

Angel_stallion_5yo_Akhal-TekeXMustang_15hh_golden buckskin coat_black mane&tail_copper brown eyes_bound to none_Tinuvel Inlet

Children: Galexia (xSolaris)

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