The Lost Islands

Those who have strength and courage will never perish in misery;

To say Nova was pissed would have been an understatement. She was absolutely furious. Now she had expected to win her fight against Vita Nova, especially since the smokey black mare was still freshly wounded from her own battle against Xiomara. Nova had hoped that the combination of pregnancy and battle wounds would have given her the edge... she had not expected Vita Nova to fight back so fiercely, considering her refusal to fight the last time she had challenged the dark queen.

But it had been Nova who lost. This round at least. Silver blue eyes turn away, breathe hard against her own swollen barrel as she heaved in exertion. Perhaps in another time and another place she would have given the mare her dues. But well, that was not today. Tomorrow was not looking good for it either.

Nova had expected to once more return to her place, slinking among the shadows of the Inlet, forever forced to be apart of the herd to please Warsaw's fancies and yet never caring to be apart of the close knit herd. She did not expect that Vita Nova would seek her out.

Vita Nova charged towards her with ears pinned and head held high. Her eyes are hard as she demands answers... answers that Nova had never dared to speak. She wanted to know why. "You want to know Why?" the words fall from her lips with a chaotic laugh as her own pale gaze meets the newly appointed queen with pure hatred. Small black ears lace tightly against her own skull as she too lifts her small muzzle in defiance. Vita may have beaten her this time, but Nova would never be broken.

Nova turns from her and Vita speaks once more, her smokey black frame sagging as exhaustion begins to become more and more evident. Her own exhaustion begins to seep into her bones as the weight of her unborn child weighs heavily upon her swollen abdomen. "You could never help me. You are pathetic... nothing worth being called queen and yet he favors you!" she spits, the words hard and venomous as they fall past her lips. Words that she had never spoken aloud and yet ones that weighed heavily upon her own soul. No, she shared no love for the Warsaw she had come to know. He had painted such a pretty picture, all those many years ago, woooed her with flightful fantasies of adoration and attraction. Promises of children to be raised and a life of meaning. She happened to overhear his conversation with Cullen back then, heard how easily Warsaw was willing to part with her unborn child to appease his ally. She began to see who he was then. It wasn't until her return that the real mistreatment set in. He wanted her kept apart from the herd, an outcast to the affections he bestowed upon his queen and the other pathetic creatures he had gathered to his harem. She was forced to watch the affections that should have been her own. Bile rose in her lungs as the thoughts linger upon her mind. Thoughts of what would never have been. Hatred warmed her chilled skin now as she takes an awkward limping step away. She pauses, long enough to give Vita Nova one final glance, her piercing gaze hard. "You could never have helped me princess. You cannot see beyond you own fucking pride." she snaps, flicking her tail towards the queen as she departs. Some things would never change.

show them the joy and the pain, and the ending to come;
pic courtesy of FINTRON @ DeviantArt

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