Re(2): Carden Alvar Christmas Bird Count Posted on December 31, 2019 at 06:36:25 PM by Bob Bowles
Feeder counters can count birds throughout the day but they need to be cautious that they don't over estimate the numbers. Mornings at around 9:00 a.m. and afternoons around 3:00 p.m. seem to be peak times at feeders. You need to estimate the total number of each species. If you were to observe 15 Black-capped Chickadees at your feeder at one time during the morning then you should not count the 10 you may observe in the afternoon. Use your best estimate of total number of individuals for each species. These can be emailed or called in to me. In your case, I will visit your feeder in the afternoon to get your morning count. Cound week is three days before the count and three days after the count so since the count is on Friday, we can count species from Tuesday to next Monday. Count week bird species are only species not observed during count day. Replies: