The Lost Islands

I don't really like myself without you

Ever since he had that conversation with Cherokee she was a mare he spent a lot of his time stalking, er, watching. He was curious to know more about her, but most of all, he was curious as to what would happen when she foals. He watched Neon leave the herd and come back with his half-sister Claymore, but he never saw how it happened. He even missed his mother's birth though he had caught the end where she nearly died. He was worried the same could happen to Cherokee and her unborn foal. He was standing with the rest of the herd when her water breaks. Ironclad watches her intently, but he does not allow her to know he was so intrigued. He waits till she moves away before following after her at a distance.

He watches the miracle of birth behind the cover of the Inlet's vegetation. He instantly regrets his decision and almost got sick once. The scene was disgusting and he honestly didn't know how a mare could poop a whole foal. Is that really how he was born? His mother pooped him out?? The colt gags and slowly creeps away from his hiding place. It loses all interest in seeing any more until he hears the soft noises from the filly. His ears perk as his head turns back to gaze at the scene behind the bush. Cherokee stands with a blue roan filly nursing underneath her. He gasps as they begin to make their way back. He had to get back before they did! Ironclad races the long way around to reach the herd before Cherokee and her newborn daughter.

Thankfully, he was a quick one. His chest rises and falls with heavy breath as he pretends to greet Cherokee as she returns. "She looks healthy." He says between labored breaths and a smile.
yearling- colt- mutt- grey (smokey cream)- warsaw x vita nova- inlet prince- twin to letavice- played by tay


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