The Lost Islands

daylight, i dream of you softly


It’s not long before Ylva catches Talien’s eye, and she nearly ducks her head in embarrassment at being caught watching the mare and her foals. While she breaks eye contact for a moment, when the other mare begins to approach her Ylva forces herself to look at Talien again. You are Queen, and she is your advisor, she reminds herself, and she flutters her nostrils in an exhale of quiet greeting. Talien says nothing, however, instead opting to graze beside her in silence. Ylva regards her quietly for a moment, then lowers her head to do the same, grateful for the companionship despite the nerves that still quail within her.

A chilly breeze ruffles her two-toned mane as Talien finally breaks the silence. Ylva tosses her forelock out of her face and turns one dark eye toward the slim, elegant mare, a sheepish smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “I’m not sure I ever will,” she admits. “What about you? Second Mare and now mother to two little ones? That’s an awful lot to have on one’s hooves.” There is no suggestion in Ylva’s tone that Talien is anything other than capable of handling this, however; rather, her voice and expression are full of empathy. She had once been mother to two foals while she had been pregnant to a third. She knows how hard it is.

She feels eyes on her and turns her head slightly to find Havelle staring straight at her. The filly’s expression is unreadable, and it makes Ylva go cold. The poor girl has been haunted ever since Sabela’s death, and Ylva will never forget the sight of her covered in the mare’s blood on that terrible night. As much as Ylva’s heart breaks for her, however, there is a strange kind of distance between them: unspoken words that Ylva fears to address. There is nothing more she would like than to break this tension and offer Havelle and Nattergal her support - she has felt this way ever since Zjeena left - but, as ever, something stops her.

All these thoughts tumble through her head in a millisecond; she looks at Havelle for only a moment before returning her attention to Talien.

4; norwegian fjord; red dun pangare; 14hh
mother of harley quinn, joker, & torsten

html, image, & character by shiva


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