Re(1): Dershowitz on Grounds for Impeachment Posted on 1/29/2020 at 04:52:58 by Bill Crawford, (14)
Listening again tonight to a re-play of Dershowtiz's recent testimony before the Senate as to why he had changed his position as to whether Abuse of Power is a basis for Impeachment, I think he is only digging himself into a deeper hole.
In his recent Senate testimony, he said that at that earlier point in time (the time of the Clinton impeachment trial) he was talking in general about the various bases for impeachment, and that without fully doing his homework, he included Abuse of Power as one of those bases.
--- But, that after more fully doing his homework for the Trump case, he realized that Abuse of Power is not such a basis;
that, instead, the committing of a technically criminal act is the only basis for impeachment of a President.
He added that he had not fully done his homework at that earlier time because Abuse of Power was not an issue at that time.
But---as pointed out in the below-linked Wikipedia article, Abuse of Power was the #4 Article of Impeachment in the Clinton trial (with #1 and #2 being two separate issues of Perjury, and #3 being Obstruction of Justice)!!