a classmates view on government Posted on 2/7/2020 at 23:53:18 by ed tipshus
I was rooting about for information regarding our current political problems. I found this from Pete Schoeffel '54 ( POW Vietnam ) "My five and a half years in communist prisons taught me, as nothing had
before, the value of a governmental system whose powers are limited by
principles that are not directly political. However clear, systematic, and
idealistic the basic concept of benefitting all men by common ownership of production may seem, the results as applied by communists are unbridled
tyranny. An important thing we should do is not to be simply anti-communist,
but to understand the difficult, turbulent, and illogical processes that
self-government in a free society of diverse but accommodating interests
imposes on us."
"Furthermore we must learn better what it is we have in our Constitution.
Especially, I believe, we should try to learn why the Constitution takes its
present form and content. It seems to me that intelligent patriotism must
start with the knowledge of what we have and why we have it. Only then can
we refute the glittering simplifications that lead to tyranny." Replies: There have been no replies.