The Lost Islands

Hold me close in this wild wild world;

Talien cannot help but to offer the pangere mare a knowing smile. She too had never expected to be placed as the second mare, especially given her first interactions with Liland. He had forceclaimec her, driven her to his shores, forcebred her and then expected her to simply abide by his wishes. Those acts alone would have been enough to tear him apart. An yet as time began to lengthen her stay here, so had that relationship changed. He was less cold, less cruel in his mindset... Or she simply saw him as such. Though their relationship would never ve tender or love filled. It was amicable at least.

Ylva speaks, her gaze lingering upon the form of Havelle who lungered nearby. Talien glanced at the young mare with a warm smile. She knew the mare went through so much in the short span of her life. To be separated from her mother and left with a herd and a father ahe barely knew... It was almost to much to ask of one so young. "What do you think Havelle?" She asks, attempting to draw the young mare into conversation. " do you think Ylva has done well so far? Leading the herd? Handling Sabela's death?" She murmurs, glancing to Ylva again, a soft smile upon her ashen lips. "I think we are all learning to deal with these changes as best we can."


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