how many lies that i've lied - " />
The Lost Islands


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how many lies that i've lied

4. braylen x isobel. bay dun roan blanket.
What was it about him that made her spill so easily? She couldn’t understand it. She was typically a shy girl, not one to strike up a conversation with anyone, on any given day. But there was something about Requiem, that gave her a feeling of being at peace, one she hadn’t felt in a long while. She wasn’t comfortable around anyone, especially around a stallion. She felt the memories begin to slip back into her mind before she lifted that wall back up with a loud snick. She wasn’t letting herself go back down that route. Not if she could help it.

She lets her mind wander to her mother, briefly letting the guilt settle, before hearing Requiem’s question. “She was, she had been born that way, instead of choosing it.” It made her wonder who was helping her within the small herd they had been in. It wasn’t much, one small group living with a few others. Audie felt as if she was failing her mother, leaving her to fend for herself within a group when she was jealous of any other that spoke to audie’s father. But she couldn’t dwell on that anymore, it was too much.

She nods her head gently when he apologizes for the way life had treated her thus far in life. He then tells his own tale. She can’t help but step towards him as her heart reaches out. Her nose stretching out, hopefully to brush her nose against his shoulder, if he doesn’t pull away. “I am so sorry Requiem, no parent should be that way, ever. He doesn’t sound like a parent who deserves your loyalty, it’s too good for him.” He spoke more, and her heart ached for the little boy he was, lost without anyone, being brought under his father’s care, albeit, not great in the end.

He speaks of her own parents understanding. She shakes her head sadly. “Father…I couldn’t tell him the real reason, he knew I was unhappy, but everything else, I didn’t want to cause problems for him. Mother was devastated. I doubt she’ll forgive me for leaving her there, unable to reach out to anyone.” It was strange, how the words rolled so easily when speaking to him, and yet, it felt as if it was the most natural thing in the world, to let her soul open to him.

He speaks of a war that will be starting, and she looks up in alarm, eyes wide. “Why would the islands be at war?! There was never such sorts when I was here as a child. Other than some herds not liking one another, there never was anything close to a war…How—how big is this going to get? Will it reach here?!” The panic that set in her voice at the idea of getting caught in the midst of a war, it was panic inducing. She had been through enough pain in her life already, she wasn’t willing to be put in a spot where she’d be hurt even more.

The idea of accompanying him to his land was more appealing by the second. It didn’t help the pull she felt towards him, and how all the sudden the idea of living under his protection, the idea of feeling safe with him was more than ideal. “I’d love to join you, if that means the cove isn’t heavily involved in the whole war, the idea of fighting….it gives me the creeps.” Not like, sparring or fighting for a good reason, but all out war, that was not what she wanted in life.


ooc; sorry for the length. she exploded.


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