The Lost Islands

The Goddess of Night(Claymore & Any)


1. Mustang Mutt . Palomino Overo . Warsaw X Neon.

Their mother had decided to take a journey to the mainland but did not want to bring Claymore through the turbulant waters yet so Neferyt agreed to babysit her younger sister. After all she had a feeling Claymore probably wouldn't of gone if she didn't go. She spent alot of her time with her younger sister and they had a strong bond, especially in this time of war. Their mother spent a lot of time helping Vita Nova and her newborn filly as well so Neferyt was glad her mother was going off to enjoy some down time even if Neferyt was a bit worried. She stood at the shore as her mother said she wouldn't be long and plunged into the ocean. Her ears forward till she could not hear or see her mothers figure any more.

She turns to her little sister then.what shall we do today?She finally say's to her sister and nudges her before heading back towards the inlet and away from the ocean. There was no need to stand waiting at the oceans edge.

Sister to Many
html © dante.


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