The Grotto

Disaster has struck!
Years ago, an earthquake broke open several entrances into a deep, winding series of subterranean systems. It was thought that deep below, underground rivers snaked their way below Moladion. Now, flooding in the Northern reaches of Moladion has proven this theory to be true.

The Grotto is almost entirely submerged. Many of the entrances are completely inaccessible, and those that are only extend a few hundred feet before ending in water. The lower entrances, however, act almost like a giant drain for Moladion. Water pours down into the Grotto's maw as powerful rapids and waterfalls, and large amounts of debris have build up throughout the area. It can be exceptionally dangerous to travel due to the risk of flash-flooding and dams suddenly breaking, but the Grotto does offer the most consistent access across the floodwaters because of those dams.

Note:The Grotto will return to normal once 25 posts have been completed (or at Staff discretion). During this time, new threads will receive a 'Surprise','Disaster', and prizes.

Return to Lunar Children


O', the rotting sun washes down

Ah, but what was life without a little uncertainty in all things? The male shifted, sighing and grinning toothily in the darkness, feeling more at home here than anywhere else. He could almost hear himself think down in these dark grottos, and the energy here was like electricity, dancing and sparking on the tips of his fur like a Faraday cage. If he traveled down far enough, perhaps he would even reach the realms of the spirits, the places where they danced and laughed and watched behind the scenes. They breathed life into his tired bones and invigorated his soul from somewhere below. The darkness here seemed to only draw up his power and consolidate it within him. He felt as though he was gliding through the caves, an unseen force guiding his paws.

Onias wasn't expecting company, but he always welcomed those that the spirits guided to him. This world was a strange place, and many things were left up to chance. Who was he to ignore the gift of the dice, the coin-flip that could lead him into something unusual? The girl was quiet in her approach, but not quiet enough. Onias caught her footsteps before he caught her voice, his tattered ears flicking backwards before he turned his head, searching for the source. "Who, me?" He replied, amused, turning his body towards her now, his harvest-moon eyes moving to catch her in the dark. Ah, a little shadow had come to haunt him. The question took him by surprise, the scent of Iromar barely clung to his fur. A grin crept onto his face. So... impressive.

Yet, there was another little whisper to greet him here, poised and defensive as she came to stand behind the other stranger. He did not quite catch what she said, but used the brief distraction to gather a little information about his new companions. They both smelled of Iromar, though the newcomer more faintly so, and he had an inkling they could be related in some way. Onias stood in the darkness, motionless and quiet for a moment. "The mother of my pups lives--or lived--in Iromar. Your pack, as well, I'm assuming." He addressed the first dark shape finally, tilting his head. Even in the dark, he made his face unreadable, but perhaps his glittering orange eyes were all they could see.

"You have nothing to fear from me." He turned slightly to the left to look at the other stranger, and then began to move his eyes between the both of them. "I'm simply returning from some time away. Some time, I might add, so it is impressive you knew I had anything to do with Iromar at all." Onias rolled his shoulders, before his head violently and suddenly snapped to the side in a dramatic and uncanny tilt. The motion seemed to scare even him, and he jumped and cursed under his breath, before righting his posture into something a little more wolf-like. "I return often in my dreams. Perhaps that is how you picked it up."


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