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Nina, you're crazy! ;)

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, this is gonna be a hard one. There are so many good Bill stories that narrowing it down is going to be impossible. So let's go with at least a couple, right off the top of my head.

I think Deliverance From Evil is probably one of my faves. It's on the Bill archive so you'll eventually get to it.

I also like his character in Donna's After the Future series, although it takes quite a while before he shows up. Once he does, the change in him is really fun to see.

And of course anything by Brandon Ray is always a good bet. Not a Hallmark Kind of Guy is great. That's at the Bill archive too.

I'll also recommend Soldiergirl by Wintersong. And Christmas in California by Michelle Kiefer. These are all mostly-good Bill Scully fics. I think you know who to look for to get the bad-Bill fics. 8-D

Sadly they are ALL at the Bill Scully archive, so nothing new for you, missy! LOL But I'm sure you'll enjoy those. If anyone comes up with new titles, I'll make sure they get added to the site. Have fun driving yourself crazy! 8-D


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