The Lost Islands

We run the world

Liland had watched the twins depart and he worried a bit about them but forced himself to allow them to go to their mother. He had hoped it would help his son but if it didn't , well Liland had another plan. One he didn't really want to do but like with Rayna perhaps it would distract Natergal from what ever was going on his mind. Even think about Rayna hurt a little because he missed his daughter but she had been struggling to cope with the loss of her mother and Liland had not known how to console her. Maybe that was part of the reason he had decided to allow the twins to visit their mother, who knew.

He was grazing when Havelle's call came and his head shoots up and he heads to meet her and frown's.where is your brother? He asks as he moves to his daughter and as he waits for her to speak he begins to groom her wet coat.are you alright?he also asks inbetween grooming.


html by sabrina


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