The Lost Islands

The Spring in the step(Open)

The almost yearling blue roan filly was happy as can be. She never asked her mother about who her father was and well she didn't really care. She loved her mother and the herd she lived with. She spent a lot of her time with her mother, Ironclad and anyone who came around. She was just full of energy and life and even though the fall had set in and the inlet was getting colder, Aiyana didn't give a care in the world. She even noticed her fur slowly getting thicker over the days. She had noted a strange stallion sent on her mother but that didn't matter to her. If her mother wanted another foal all the better she'd get a sibling to play with and teach.

Today she had ventured a way from her mother for the first time. Even though she doesn't know her father, she saw something in her mothers eyes when she looked at her. Was it fear? Did she resemble her father? She shakes the thought from her mind as she wanders the inlet in search of something to do. Her ears were forward and her blue eyes were looking all around her. Most of the tree's here seemed to be pine and not loosing their color. She grabbed a mouthful of grass occasionally as she walked. She found the stream that they drank from and sniffed at it and dunked half her muzzle into it and tossed her head up and then bucked.


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