if i love you was a promise - " />
The Lost Islands


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if i love you was a promise

she could feel the chill start to penetrate her bones.

winter's claws were starting to dig their fingers into the land. the warmth that she had once felt at her back had disappeared and the promise of frost lingered on the breeze like an omen.

she knew that it was time for her to find a home, a place she could rely on until the winter had passed. she had been wandering the isles by herself: avoiding contact with others, steering clear of gatherings, watching the herds at a distance. she was, by nature, a solitary traveler. but now it was time, she could no longer avoid it.

life was always safer in a herd.

she stepped onto the sand, shaking the water from her body before she surveyed the commons before her. it was simple. a field of grass, a few mountains in the background, perhaps even a waterfall. her gait was slow as she traveled further onto the island, finding a long, graceful willow to rest beneath. the swim had taken something out of her, causing shivers to ricochet down her spine and across her body. but she did not lay, instead keeping herself awake and alert for any travelers that would approach.

five years. spanish mustang. gold cream champagne dun sabino. fifteen hands. of nowhere.


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