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Re(3): Question 'bout Mary Ruth Keller stories


Thanks for all those wonderfully kind words. I would never have seen your original post had I not googled myself just for fun.

I certainly hope to get the rest of the Sandra Ann Trilogy written, and not take nearly so long on the remaining three installments (two more trilogy novels plus the Saytr play). Between the extra hours I was putting in at work to get my sea ice algorithm stood up and running, various large NASA proposals and projects, and finally clearing up the lingering financial issues following my Mother's death, I was quite over-booked for a few years.

I see the three novels of this third Trilogy as one long story, so there are threads in "Chermera" that will be fully developed later on. I know [1] how the major parts of the Consortium fall, [2] how the Forty are involved in Scully's and Mulder's successes, and, [3] where most of the major characters end up, and how, in general, they get there.

But I have research to do on some of the pieces. The second novel involves Japanese culture and the Japanese in Hawaii, which I have some general knowledge of, but am woefully lacking in depth or detail. That's what I'm working on rectifying before I get started. FWIW, the third novel takes us back to Europe for the finale, so I'm in a bit better shape there.

Once I get the remaining X-F stories done, then I get to start on the four original novels I've been very slowly researching over the years.

Thanks for keeping this project going all this time!


          • Thank you -

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