The Lost Islands


Force-claiming is allowed here once a week per character, as is blocking force-claims by the Peak/Lagoon (as a whole) once a week. Rollover is on Sundays.

i've never forgotten your smile

Coda waits to finish chewing before responding to the dun mare; her manners haven't fallen that far yet. Mmm, this is some quality grass. Though it had the unavoidable taste of otherness, of grass growing on foreign soil, it wasn't all that bad. "A forest? You lived in a forest? I didn't know there were that many trees around here. What's it like, to -" She stops abruptly as a dark stallion barges in on them, demanding that one of them follow him. Like hell that was happening. Coda's eyes narrow and she pins her ears lifts her head from food, delicious food.

"Excuse me," she says sharply, "Although it really should be excuse you, shouldn't it, since you're the one that interrupted us." Did that make sense? More importantly, does Coda care whether it made sense? Not really, she decides. There are more important things in the world to worry about. For example, making sure that neither she nor the dun mare gets kidnapped. "No we aren't. What's wrong with you?" And that's about the extent of her wit, unfortunately. Coda doesn't have a way with words.

Coda considers aiming a warning kick at the stallion, but since he's going after the dun mare and not her right now, maybe physical violence could wait. After all, she's not in any condition to be getting in fights right now. In fact, this was possibly the worst time to get into a fight. "Give her back," she demands instead, attempting to use her superior height to help her look threatening. "Or we'll make you. We can take you any day." Coda's lying through her teeth, of course. The swim to this island has left her exhausted. She thinks she can maybe get one mediocre kick in before she loses miserably, if any. The stallion hopefully doesn't know, though, so maybe her show of bravado and solidarity will scare him off, make him think it's not worth the effort and possible injury for a mare he can get anywhere else.

Or maybe he'll see right through it, recognizing the fresh scent of sea salt she carries and knowing she's too tired to put up a good fight. Maybe he's insane and doesn't care about his own health. Maybe he's arrogant and thinks no mare could possibly injure him. Who knows, really? Coda tries not to think about it too much. The less she thinks, the easier it is to stand her ground. The less she thinks, the more she can convince herself and hopefully the stallion as well that her boast is truth.


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