~ where innocences burn in flames. - " />
The Lost Islands


Force-claiming is allowed here once a week per character, as is blocking force-claims by the Peak/Lagoon (as a whole) once a week. Rollover is on Sundays.

~ where innocences burn in flames.

~ where innocences burn in flames.

A soft breeze ruffles through the yellow and brittle grasses of the commons, they bend and bow beneath its breath. The leaves rustle together overhead, some still cling to the branches but most lay strewn in piles at his hooves. Once their colors were vibrant and bright, crimson and orange, and now they are dull and lifeless on the bare earth. He shifts his weight from hoof to hoof beneath the naked branches of the oak tree; his ears flick lazily atop his crown as he listens for anyone who may disturb his peace.

It is not long before a flash of golden skin draws his glacial eyes; she towers above all the others and moves like smooth silk across the bare earth. He watches her for a moment as he admires her from afar, but like he suspects he is not the only one who finds themselves in the claiming land. Ear rotate atop his crown as a familiar face makes his appearance, he does not hesitate in his approach and swoops into lay his teeth across her hide. A smirk touches his lips as he begins to push himself from beneath the bare branches of the tree, when another thunders down on the pair.

Raider. Björn's smoky hide pricks along his spine. His eyes narrow as the man thunders down on the pair, it seems he is always up to no good. Björn strides forth with confidence and his head set higher on his muscular shoulders. Raider's words result in a smirk tracing across his lips.

Had they not just battled over the freedom of a child? Who Raider had wanted to steal back to the Lagoon of all places...

"Funny, Lagoonie..." he spits as his glacial eyes narrow. "If I recall, I interrupted your attempt to steal a child back to the Lagoon? or am I mistaken," which he is not.

He pauses a moment and his glacial eyes slide to the gilded mare and the newcomer to the Isles. He raises a brow as the scent of many mares lingers on the males coat. "Seems you have been busy," he muses aloud before he lets his gaze linger on the gilded woman. His eyes soften as does his voice. "Velkominn í Lost Isles, you have drawn quite the spectacle, gullkonan."

He casually flicks his tail across his white splashed sides, his focus on the mare but very much aware of the men. It is an interesting time on the Isles indeed.

Velkominn í: welcome to
gullkonan: golden woman

Björn - Icelandic mutt - 10 years old - Grullo Sabino
Bera Konung of the Ridge

html, art & character © erin | pixel base © fintron


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