Re(1): COVID-19 fiasco Posted on March 27, 2020 at 04:31:22 by All and totally bananas!
I am the only person who thinks the covid-19 response is an overreaction. There are roughly 17,000 people who die every year due to flu in England according to Public Health England yet we do not don PPE every year and stop cataract surgery and entirely close the eye outpatients. Also on average about 500,000 people die in the UK every year and some of these covid-19 patients no doubt would have died anyway. Do we not have a problem with overpopulation in the world and should we not just let covid-19 sort it out for us? Why waste money on all these state handouts and ventilators? Why not just let nature run its course, natural selection means the best survive.
It is certainly helpful in thinning out all those 90 year olds with central atrophy and a few OCT cysts who demand antiVEGF unreasonably every 6 weeks, complain when they don't get it and waste my time on extra weekend clinics! Replies: