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Re(6): The Unmasked Super Fan

Keep it wing side up!

Don Biederman...now there's a blast from the past. 1967 was the last year that Flamboro Speedway ran supers. Names like Harv Lennox, Glen Schurr, Jack McCutcheon and Jack Greedy gave way to late model drivers like Biederman and Howie Scannell at Flamboro in 1968. My family stuck it out at Flamboro for one season without supers. Biederman was my favourite (#43). I remember the night that he and Scannell tangled in turn 3, got out of their cars and had a fist fight (kinda like Payne and Didero did a few years ago at Oswego). Although it was fun watching those guys for a season, my Dad decided in 1969 to make the longer drive to Delaware with his two sons where we got to see the supers run again into the 70s.

I have fond memories of some of the Oswego superstars coming to race in the Flamboro and Delaware Classics. Names like Nolan Swift and Jimmy Howard. Swift couldn't run his usual #10 at Flamboro and Delaware because "Leadfoot" Lennox owned that number (Tammy 10). Nolan used some black tape to turn his "10 Pins" into a "70 Pins".

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