The Lost Islands

the wolf feeds in the forest

Havelle is relieved beyond words to hear that her father is okay. He looks a little battered and bruised but he assures her all is well, and that both he and the herd are safe.

For now.

Havelle settles in to Liland's reassuring embrace. She returns the affection by pressing herself firmly to his chest and breathing warm puffs of loving air against his skin.

The embrace holds for a long, and much-needed moment. When they finally pull apart, Havelle studies her father's face. She looks from eye to eye, searching his gaze for answers. When she doesn't find them there, Havelle asks the difficult question out loud. "What's going on with mother? Did she initiate that challenge, or did Rougaru move against her wishes? Do you know?" Her words are urgent and her voice high with stress. Havelle needs to know. What's going on? What changed?

Havelle hasn't seen Zjeena since Zjeena met Liland for their breeding. She doesn't know what drama unfolds on Paradise, or what horrible switch has flipped in her mother's brain. If Liland can shed some light on the situation, and voice his own concerns, then Havelle may be able to help. She is both willing and able to travel to Paradise and act as an ambassador for Liland and the Bay. Clearly something is off, and communication needs to happen.

1 Year, ♀️, Fjord, Dun EE Aa Dd, 14.1 Hands, Sabrina


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