The Lost Islands

in a full hearted even-song


her ears stay fixed to grier’s voice, eagerly drinking in more of the small mare’s wonderful accent. pidgeon can’t avoid the intrigued smile that lights up her features as she listens attentively. the speckled mare takes careful note of grier’s words, wondering if by “invited” she had been given the choice to stay on the crossing. when the smaller strawberry painted mare points out that pidgeon must be who liland had referred to as new earlier she nods. she hadn’t noticed any other newcomers lately. she flashes another warm smile toward the stallion beside them, so pleased that he had mentioned her.

pidgeon wasn’t terribly fixated on the idea of love and happily ever after, as some mares might be…. she was a young innocent soul, who sought friendship above all else. she had been genuinely surprised when liland had sought her out at the common… there had been other mares, beautiful and sultry, who probably were more deserving of male attentions… but she is glad she had found her way here after all. liland seemed nice, the bay itself was lovely, and now she had the prospect of another beautiful friend.

the little spotted mare turns her face away bashfully as grier calls her sweet. her soft dark eyes brighten with pure joy and pidgeon feels a giddy race of happiness beating in her veins at such kindness. ”i have met two, yes… Ylva and Havelle. both very nice. i’m sure they’ll be just so glad to meet you too.” she is a bit more successful in not rambling as the conversation is intercepted by liland. her ears flit toward him, taking in his answer. she’s glad he is well and that he seems pleased by their instant friendship. his words are encouraging to her. so far he had shown himself to be pleasant, thoughtful, and invested in her well being. she would have to reach out to get better acquainted with him, she thought. “i do hope we will all be happy here as well. i have not seen much of the rest of this isle but the bay does seem like a special place. and oh yes. poor Grier. You must be so tired from the journey? perhaps a meal and then you’d do well to rest i’m sure… and when you’re up to it i could show you my favorite places amongst those tall lovely trees!” pidgeon nods at liland, happy at the offer to join them as they proceeded inland.

|mare . bay leopard . drafty little mutt . 3 years . 14.1 hh . kafkaesque|
html by dante!


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