The Lost Islands

Burn the Ships

He knew Rougaru would be back. Rougaru couldn't get past certain things, or maybe it was all being fueled by Zjeena. He did not know but he would fight till he died to protect his family. He stares at daughter, one of the twins that has over come so much and is still by his side. She is one of the ones who make him who he is and drive him to fight for what he wants. She has her mothers fire maybe a little more understanding. Her words are calm and strong and He listens to her and he looks to the sky and closes his eyes at what he was about to say. He didn't want any of his foals raised in Paradise but, if it meant this threats would end. He takes a deep breath and looks back to his daughter.

Go to her, LEt her know she can stay in paradise with our foal till it is old enough to choose its own course. Tell her though that I request that I am the first stallion the foal eyes other then his brother that is fine. Tell her that I wish to visit a few times a week if not more. I will not talk to her if she does not want to talk to me. You can of course come as well. TEll her I am sorry, that I never meant to hurt her. I don't know if she'll believe it or not but it can't hurt to speak it. he said watching his daughter for her reaction to these terms. It would hurt for him to see the foal every day but he had others to think about to. Ylva and Grier were both also pregnant with his children. A good chance this group of foals would be his last. The fighting was wearing on him.

Norwegian Fjord, stallion, grå, 14.3 HH, Katie


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