The Lost Islands

bring me back to life...

She sensed the near instant change in Ruger the moment the words left her lips. His body relaxed and where once there stood a trembling storm of power, now he gingerly touched her, reminding her of the stallion he was before this. She let out a breath of relief, her skin shivering at his touch but with pleasure instead of fear. He inhaled her scent and so she slowly brought her own nose to his neck, breathing him in as well. His very aroma cocooned her in a feeling of wholeness and safety. He would forever be her shelter. He looked to her first then to Ryder and she followed his gaze, finally giving her son a small nod to let him know it was safe. She hated keeping father and son apart but needed to know Ruger was in control before she could trust him with Ryder.

Ryder caught the gesture and let out his own breath of relief as he moved closer to them, reaching out his muzzle slowly to the stallion. "Dad...are we going home now?" His eyes questioned his father. That comment alone seemed to remind Evanescence of where they were, her gaze sweeping around them in sudden alarm like Warsaw might have appeared out of nowhere because she'd forgotten about him for a few moments. Ruger had a way of doing that. When the tobiano stallion looked off toward their home island, she followed his gaze, taking in the storm clouds as they moved over the ocean. It seemed like it was going the other way now so perhaps the swim would be safe. When Ruger looked back at her, she pricked her ears, listening attentively to his words. Her gaze widened in surprise.

"The prairie?" She remembered the way since Ruger himself had brought her there when they met in the Common on that ill fated day. Her gaze searched his expression for a moment, wanting to make sure that's what he wanted. He said there was something he had to do and she knew better than to push. He would tell her more if or when the time was right. Then he told her she needed to go while they had a chance. At his words, she looked around again. Still seeing no one in sight, she nodded in acknowledgement, but didn't turn away until she'd leaned in to press her muzzle to his jawline in a caress. "I will be waiting for you in the Prairie. Come back to me, Ruger." When she pulled back, she looked into his eyes one more time before giving a low nicker to Ryder. He obediantly pressed against her as they moved into the ocean. Evanescence gazed back only once more as if to memorize Ruger in her mind forever before she nudged Ryder deeper into the water and they started the swim to Luthien.

Evanescence_mare_5yo_Belgian/Percheron Mutt_17hh_blue roan coat_black mane&tail_dark brown eyes_bound to Ruger_Luthien Thicket

Mother to: Ryder (xRuger)

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