Overseas doctors & FRCOphth Posted on April 13, 2020 at 15:18:03 by Truth is refreshing
Overseas doctors: please be advised. College conducts overseas exams of this totally worthless examination just for your money. First, what you can do with it? You can hang it on your wall and feel good about it, like an expensive wall paint, only with no intrinsic value. Now what you can not do and this one will be a long list:
1) You can not register with GMC
2) You can not be automatically registered on specialist register
3) Passing this exam 'outside training' will not be recognized in the UK.
4) You can not get any job in the UK because you will restricted by visa.
5) Nobody recognizes this worthless diploma, so you can not even get registered as a specialist in your home country, or at least most of them.
6) No matter how good you are, you will be made to fail each step a few times to extract maximum money out of you.
7) At the end you get a fancy paper wasting thousands of pounds!
IT IS A SCAM!!! Replies: