The Lost Islands


Force-claiming is allowed here once a week per character, as is blocking force-claims by the Peak/Lagoon (as a whole) once a week. Rollover is on Sundays.

I wear this crown

Lace is surprised by his request, her ears going forward and her eyes studying him intently. A first mare? Though that might be something, she isn’t quite sure what all it might entail. Clearly she would be of no real importance when he wasn’t the lead, and so she would be subject to being beneath the entire lead’s herd. Plus, on top of all that, he wished her to go to a place called the Badlands?! What would there be to eat in a place with a name like that?

But….. where else was she to go?

“Quite the offering, from one stranger to another.” Lace stated. “I will need time to think on it, plus time to regain more of my strength before I swim again. You can either stay with me, or tell me where this Badlands are and another place I can rest safely.” The spotted mare said, trying to be smart about this situation. But anyone she was going to meet would be strangers, each of them trying to take her home. At least Yngvar was nice, so far.

13.1hhs – 2yrs old – british spotted pony – bay leopard


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