The Lost Islands

hold me close in this wild, wild world;

Despite the turmoil that had been her life as of late, for the first time in a very long time, Talien felt complete. Depthless crystalline ooids gleam in the pale light of the gray skies overhead as she gives her coat of brandished gold a shake, sending droplets of water and ice to the ground beneath her. Despite the lengthened winter coat that had grown from her time here in the bay, her excursion to the main island reminded her indeed just how cold Tinuvel winters could be.

A mischievous smile slides across her ashen lips as Dex comes to a halt at her side, the same impish grin upon his features as he remarked about having no feeling left in his legs. Playfully she circles him, her own lithe limbs moving at an elegant prance despite the chilling cold that seeped through her own skin. "I guess that just means we will have to find some way to get feeling back into those delicate legs of yours. Can't have you frozen to the spot now can we?" she chides playfully sliding to a halt at his side, her golden coat brushing against his own russet skin.

He teases about not minding the view in her wake and to that she cannot help the warm laugh that escapes her lips. Own bright eyes glitter as she reaches forward to nip his shoulder affectionately. "I would imagine it gets boring after awhile. Especially when I start to grow rounder with child." she teases blinking dark lashes up at him shyly.

However his next words bring her up short and brows furrow with concern. Though it was not her herd, she had taken her role as Beta mare seriously enough. Ears flit forward amid the ice crusted tendrils of her dark chocolate colored mane. Something was different. Though most of the birds that called the island home had already moved further south for the months of winter, the terns and rock seals were no longer shouting their incomprehensible cries through the bay. The wolves, usually so reluctant to linger nearer to where the herd spent most of their winter months seemed undeniably closer and the normal chatter and playful voices of the herd was silent. Immediately her first concern is Amber Rose. Her daughter had been left with instructions to stay close to Ylva and the rest of the herd. Paperthin nostrils flare as Talien inhales the strong scents that had become so familiar with the Bay. Ylva was there, Havelle and the other foals. Liland too his scent strong in the breeze, reassuring her that even if she could not immediately find the sounds of her daughter's laughter, she at least must be close. Talien felt sure the bond between mother and daughter would alert her if something had happened to her. Curiously she glances back to Dex now, confusion in her eyes, "I'm not sure..." she begins, her voice trailing into silence as a familiar figure appears upon the snowy hillside.


Talien felt wary, but she had set her resolve and doubted, especially considering their past, that Liland would deny her request. A warm smile forces itself upon her features as she returned Liland's warm nicker with a gentle greeting of her own. The gray stallion comes to a halt before them, his gaze curious but not unfriendly. He voices his concerns and Talien cannot help the gentle smile upon her own lips. "I had not meant to make you worry. I got a little.... sidetracked when I went to the main island." she teases nudging Dex's brown shoulder playfully, adoration shining bright in her icy gaze.

The pale stallion turns his attention to Dex now and his voice is curious as he offers his own name. Her heart flutters within her breast as Talien takes a step back now, unwilling to take away Dex's words. Ash dusted nostrils quiver as she waits patiently.

I am just a displaced princess;
pic courtesy of Charlie--X @ deviantart


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