The Lost Islands

never letting you go

He couldn't stop looking at her, even now. It felt like if he looked away too long, she might disappear like she'd never existed at all. Talien was really here and he still couldn't believe it. He'd found her. She was his, finally. She was just as beautiful as ever with her gold champagne coat and her dark mane and tail to make her stand out that much more. He felt like a brown mule next to her. The cold air of the Bay made him shiver a little as he shook out his coat. Talien only seemed to find amusement in his predicament with the cold, prancing around him as she taunted about finding some way to get feeling back into those delicate legs. His brow lifted in amusement as he grinned and lunged, aiming to nip playfully at her shoulder. "I'll chase you down and show you just how delicate I am, princess." He chuckled, his green eyes twinkling with mischief.

When he teased her about the view, she laughed and reached out to nip at his own shoulder. His skin shivered with pleasure at the enticing pinch and a single ear flicked to hear her words. She said it would get boring, especially when she grew rounder and his own gaze softened just thinking about the future and seeing her all round and pregnant, but with HIS child this time. The idea made him lust for her all over again. Snorting, he shook his head. "I could never grow bored of that view. It'll only be that much more delectable once you're rounding out all healthy and happy with our foal." He purred the words, finding great pleasure in saying them. It still felt so surreal, knowing he would get to have a family with the love of his life. When he asked what had happened, he could sense her tense up beside him and he almost regretted saying something and ruining their happy little moment.

He didn't want her distracted though if there was danger afoot. He would gladly stand between her and any who thought to harm her but he wanted her to be aware of the tension too. There was an eerie silence to the herd lands as if the herd itself was gone and as his nostrils flared, he could taste the predators on the horizon. Maybe they always lingered that close but he didn't have to like it. When Talien looked back at him, he could see the growing concern in her own eyes and his brows furrowed in shared worry. She said she wasn't sure and that was about the time a new figure appeared coming toward them. Dex stiffened and went to place himself more ahead of Talien, ready to get between them, but then he caught the scent of the approaching stallion and his ears flicked back in turmoil.

It was the stallion on Talien's coat. This was her lead stallion. It had to be. Dex knew he would have to sway to the stallion's rule since this was his herd land and Talien was a member of that herd, but this was where he found the most difficulty. She had come to him this breeding season, but would he have to share her with this stallion? Would he and Talien be free to be with the herd but separate or would this stallion still rule her every move and in turn, his own? If it was just himself, Dex knew he would have no problem taking commands. He was a follower in the bachelor herd he used to be in and he took orders well. He didn't have an alpha complex. He only had hesitation when it came to Talien. She was the first priority now. Would the other stallion understand that?

Dex looked to the champagne mare and saw the warm smile on her lips. It disarmed him a little, knowing it was meant for the other stallion, but it wasn't the same smile she gave him so that relaxed him a bit. The stallion nickered as he got closer and Dex gave a soft snort in response. His body was still tense and wary but he kept one ear forward, trying to be open about this for Talien's sake. The stallion spoke, telling Talien he was worried about her before his gaze moved to Dex and asked who she brought home. His ear moved to the side to catch Talien's reply as she said she didn't mean to worry him and that she got sidetracked on the mainland. At her nudge, he usually would have relaxed and nudged her right back but his mind was still so torn, stuck between wanting to show his claim on her and being friendly to the other stallion who had done nothing to trigger his ire.

It was Talien. She was his switch, his control, and with the heat of testosterone flowing through him, his own control was frayed. When she stepped back, his eyes followed her, almost beckoning her to stay close as if he needed a security blanket. His tail gave a swish but he knew it was his turn to speak. Forcing himself to lower his head so it didn't seem like he was challenging the cream stallion who introduced himself as Liland, Dex took a calming breath and dipped his head in respect and greeting. "Pleasure to meet you, Liland. I am Dex." Apparently talking helped cause he felt some of the tension leaving his muscles as he spoke.

Dex_stallion_6yo_Arabian/Thoroughbred Mutt_16.2 hh_true bay coat_black mane & tail_green eyes_bound to Talien_Tinuvel Bay

Father to: Chronos (xTalien)

photo by Olga_i@shutterstock

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