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Coronavirus Relief Funding

With the $486 billion Phase Three Coronavirus Relief Bill having just recently passed in the Senate, and on the verge of being passed by the House, this will bring the total dollar amount of the three phases of Coronavirus Relief Bills to $2.492 trillion.
By comparison, the total amount of Discretionary Spending in the 2019 budget, i.e., the total amount to run the entire U.S. government, was $1.2 trillion!

Although extensive relief spending is obviously necessary, It looks to me like such spending could likely result in a runaway inflation situation in our country.

P.S. Checking out out the matter a bit further, it looks like that all of the excessive Coronavirus spending could lead to a "debt crisis"; this, as opposed to runaway inflation. (See below link for a discussion of a "debt crisis").

A U. S. Debt Crisis


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