The Lost Islands

This is no ordinary love

Vita Nova retreated, but her dark ears remained trained on wherever Solomon stood. She listened as she pawed gently at the frozen earth, her steely lips parting to rip at some frozen roots and stiff leaves that remained under the layer of snow. The mare grit her teeth and fumed silently from her grazing position. She had a bad feeling about this stallion, and she wanted him to leave right away. Her ashen tail flicked with annoyance over her haunches as she listened intently to his conversation with Warsaw.

Solomon had it all planned out, or so it seemed. She scoffed from her position a few feet away as he described that he would "remove" Shaydowfax from her position. If it were so easy, why didn't this brute think Warsaw would have expelled her already? Vita Nova had a feeling that Solomon was the type to play everybody. He sucked what he could from every horse he met in a position of power. Currently, he was the buckskin mare's parasite, living under her protection for free. He got everything he needed, all while he waited to overthrow her. He didn't earn anything for himself, the hard way. That much was clear in the way he came here looking for another handout. And now he hoping to suck away at Warsaw's power next.

The Queen of the Inlet turned to look at them both before ambling some more with her head to the ground. She waited patiently for Warsaw's response. For the most part, Vita Nova agrees with Warsaw's thorough explanation, and she is pleased that he expressed the expectations they assume from every ally they make. These kinds of alliances weren't forged so easily. Solomon had much to prove, that was certain. But Vita Nova tucked away the information Warsaw relayed about the Bay to bring back up at a later time.

Vita Nova
Mare | Evaline x Valentine | Smoky Back Splash | 15 hh | © Vinyl
html by shiva for public use


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